Elizabeth Quay Project, WA
The Elizabeth Quay project is located in the centre of Perth’s river foreshore and located next to the landmark Perth Bell Tower. The Scope of works was to design the system, perform all of the dewatering onsite and monitor the disposal of all waters captured onsite for the construction of an artificial inlet on what was previously the Esplanade Reserve.
Dewatering was required for construction of footings, service, sewer pump station, head wall works for the new inlet wall, bridge footings and removal of water for the major inlet dig. Due to the size of the development, we encountered various types of ground conditions which required dewatering and water treatment methods. Dewatering involved various sump pumps, bore and spear systems to extract groundwater.
A standpipe kit was also installed to provide all the waters required onsite for construction purposes. Peak discharge rate for this project was 30 l/s. Extracted groundwater was treated by a combination of a hydrocarbon treatment system, clarifying system as well as pH treatment unit prior to being discharged to onsite infiltration dams, the sewer and re-released into the Swan River. All works needed to be completed in accordance with the Department of Environment and Conservation Acid Sulfate Soils guidelines contained within the Project Dewatering Management Plan. This project was closely managed by a team of experienced staff and monitored by a 24 hour alarmed monitoring system.