Port August Bypass, South Australia
The local water authority in South Australia had some major works with one of their pumping stations which required the system to be off-line for approximately 2 weeks. Being a critical station in the sewer network, NPE were engaged by their contractor to undertake temporary sewer bypass works which entailed diverting the raw sewerage around…
Read MoreDigester Clean Wastewater Treatment Plant, Boliver SA
The process of emptying and cleaning the digester involved using specialised pumping equipment provided by NPE. This was suspended from a 60-ton crane for efficient operation and flexibility of movement. The pump used for this task was a heavy-duty hydraulic unit specifically adapted by NPE to handle these projects. To remove the contents of the…
Read MoreBurwood Beach Wastewater Treatment Plant Bypass, NSW
Recently, NPE were engaged by regional water authorities to supply and install a 20” diesel bypass pump from a collection pit to the ABF tower to begin a flushing program on the ABF tower. The client required 450mm polyline and flows up to 450l/s at 24m rise. The discharge location was located at the ABF…
Read MoreNewcastle West 1 Pump Station Upgrade, NSW
The pump station upgrade is a crucial project initiated due to the growth in population and the construction of new apartment buildings in the surrounding areas. Our client was engaged to upgrade the Newcastle West 1 Pump Station to meet the increasing wastewater management demand. The project involved complex engineering tasks, and NPE was responsible…
Read MoreHB01 Wastewater Pump Station Temporary Works, Kilcare NSW
NPE were engaged to provide a temporary works proposal which details the operating strategy and management of the sewer bypass works for HB01 Wastewater pump station in Killcare. NPE utilised the latest telemetry options and control functions and supplied online log ins to the client. 3 x electric submersibles located within the collection manhole that…
Read MoreEmptying and Cleaning the Digester – Boliver SA
Digester emptying and cleaning works were carried out utilising NPE’s purpose-built pumping/mixing equipment suspended from a 60t crane. The pump is a heavy-duty, hydraulically powered unit specifically modified by NPE for these applications. The digester contents were pumped out via an NPE installed discharge line, which was connected to an adjacently installed existing pipeline that…
Read MoreBelconnen Trunk Sewer Augmentation – ACT
NPE were engaged to perform a critical bypass required in order for our client to complete the final stage of a major project building additional capacity and redundancy into the local water authorities wastewater network. NPE’s role was to install, commission and manage the sewer via a pumped overland bypass in order to provide a…
Read MorePump Station Bypass – Queensland
A local water authority recently asked NPE to provide a bypass for a pump station, the pump station needed to be taken offline to complete works. The bypass needed to be capable of 75L/S, this was diverting flow from a DN900 line. NPE mobilised the necessary pumps & pipework (200m) in a prompt manner delivering…
Read MoreOld Murray Bridge Refurbishment – SA
Due to the recent Murray River flooding, NPE was tasked with supplying a pump set up to move 800,000,000 litres behind a levee bank as soon as possible so that the client could continue with their main works for the Old Murray Bridge Refurbishment Project. NPE quickly mobilised the pump and 700m of hose to…
Read MoreRe-lining of 39 Wastewater Pumping Chambers throughout SA
Due to aging infrastructure, the client was engaged to commence the re-lining of 39 Wastewater Pumping Chambers throughout South Australia. To enable the pumping chambers to be accessed for re-lining works, NPE was approached by the client to undertake Bypass Pumping of these stations. The bypass sites were split into three main areas based on…
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