Posts Tagged ‘WA’
Perth City Link Rail
NPE was contracted with the Perth City Link Rail Alliance to provide a detailed design, construct and supply, operate and maintain a dewatering and water treatment system for the Pedestrian underpass, the 620m cut and cover tunnel and the approach ramps between the heritage listed Horseshoe Bridge and Milligan Street. The scope involved design and installation of…
Read MoreRoy Hill Iron Ore Train Unloader
The Roy Hill project includes the construction of a new iron ore mine at Roy Hill deposit, a mine processing plant and a heavy haul railway system from the mine to the port in the south west region of Port Hedland. NPE was contracted to design and install a dewatering system inclusive of drilling boreholes that…
Read MoreDewatering & Water Treatment at Perth Busport Project, WA
NPE were involved in this project for the drilling and installation of a series of pumping wells within the excavation and recharge wells outside the excavation to create an efficient dewatering system that depressurised the aquifers and lowered and maintained the groundwater table by eight (8) metres next to the existing underground tunnel. The biggest…
Read MoreElizabeth Quay Project, WA
The Elizabeth Quay project is located in the centre of Perth’s river foreshore and located next to the landmark Perth Bell Tower. The Scope of works was to design the system, perform all of the dewatering onsite and monitor the disposal of all waters captured onsite for the construction of an artificial inlet on what…
Read MoreTug Harbour Project, WA
NPE were contracted to perform dewatering work and water treatment for the development of new Tug Harbour and material offload facility at Hunt point on Port Hedland’s Finucane Island. The new Tug Boat Harbour will house an extra 8 tugs, serves to lay some of the foundations for a massive outer harbour expansion in the near…
Read MoreKings Square Development Project
The Kings Square Project was situated in the middle of Perth City Link and is a Western Australian Government Project. This project saw the creative collaborative works of several head contractors such as John Holland Group, Broad Constructions and Broad Civil. NPE were the preferred dewatering contractor during the development of the first four buildings, KS1,…
Read MoreBrisbane Airport QLD
McConnell Dowell was awarded the contract for the Dryandra Road Works, a significant structural element of the New Parallel Runway by Brisbane Airport Corporation (BAC). The Dryandra Road Project is a reinforced concrete 4-lane underpass structure, supported on approximately 700 precast concrete piles including 1.5km of roadway, full underpass fit-out with portions of taxiway and…
Read MoreDewatering & Water Treatment, South Perth WA
NPE were engaged by PACT Construction for the Dewatering, Water Treatment & Environmental scope for the development of Riviere Luxury Residence in Applecross. Several large footing foundations and multiple general excavations will require dewatering for the first stage of the project. With limited dewatering discharge options available in the area, discharge to the Swan River…
Read MoreWell Point Dewatering, Perth WA
NPE were engaged by Alita Constructions to install dewatering at 2 different locations at their project located on Dowd St, Welshpool. The purpose of the install was to allow the client to excavate below the water table to complete the final connection of the site stormwater system and install a large aerobic treatment unit. We…
Read MoreTank Flush, Esperance WA
NPE were engaged by Carey MC to provide Dewatering and Environmental Management for the Berth 2 hardstand renewal, construction of flush tanks and installation of a dissolved metal treatment filter system at Southern Ports’ Port of Esperance. NPE began with the development of the Dewatering Management Plan to align with the conditions required by the…
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