Screening Solution, Sewage Treatment Plant – Byron Bay NSW
NPE was asked to provide a screening solution that would allow the local council to take their entire inlet works offline for an extended period to facilitate the strip out, re-coating and refurbishment of their inlet works at the Byron Bay sewage treatment plant.
The solution required the sewage treatment plant to be operational 24/7 and the bioreactor and treatment processes to be maintained without risking further damage to the facility or its systems; this work was declared essential and critical.
NPE designed, fabricated and installed a screening and bypass solution that could cater for complete redundancy and allow the inlet works to be taken offline indefinitely whilst the urgent works were completed.
The inlet works on-site were fed by 4 individual rising mains that delivered the entire town of Byron Bay’s wastewater supply to the plant for treatment. It was imperative that the solution proposed by NPE had built-in redundancy and provided a level of screening that would allow the plant to continue under normal operations whilst the inlet works were offline. Wet weather contingency was another major consideration within the design of NPE’s temporary screening system. We needed to ensure that not only was the system capable of managing the peak incoming flows to the plant with redundancy but that it could also manage prolonged spikes from wet weather flows on the back of localised storms and periods of heavy rain.