Murray River Flooding – SA
Due to the recent Murray River flooding, NPE were engaged by the client to provide a proposal for contingency Bypass Pumping for the MBO1 Pumping Station which draws water directly from the Murray River and via processing and several booster pump stations eventually feeds water to the southern suburbs of Adelaide.
Once the proposal was accepted, the NPE Team proceeded to install a complete Bypass System comprising of 2 off Dry Well Mount Electric Submersible Feed Pumps (fed via NPE supplied Generators) feeding into 2 off Diesel Driven Booster Pumps, all together achieving an approximate duty 1,000 l/sec @ 100+m Total Head.
The installation of all pumps, including suction and discharge piping, manifolds, valving, commissioning, etc. was carried out by NPE. Due to the rapidly rising Murray River levels, these works were undertaken as a matter of utmost urgency and completed & tested in approximately 3 weeks.