Hydromining – Koolan Iron Ore, WA
To expand the storage capacity of the Sediment Pond at Koolan Island, NPE were engaged to undertake a Hydromining campaign to remove approximately 3,600m3 of settled solids.
NPE used a high-pressure water technique to break down the compacted material into a slurry via water sourced from three Hydromining cannons on the sediment pond’s external perimeter.
The cannons pushed/moved the slurry product to a Hydraulic Pump, suspended in the pond with a crane. The slurry was pumped through a discharge line into a newly constructed sump. The water necessary for the cannons was supplied by a high-pressure diesel-driven pump.
The HP pump was connected to a break tank, supplied with water from the in-pit dewatering system. The estimated flow rate required for the high-pressure pump and cannons was approximately 55 litres per second.
NPE provided three on-site operational personnel to undertake the project. Each shift was led by an experienced NPE-trained Hydromining Supervisor with two Field Technicians supporting.