Dewatering – Student Accommodation Development, Sydney NSW

Dewatering for student accommodation with a 2-level basement involved installing perimeter and pit systems for depths of 5m to 6.5m.

Student Accommodation Development –

Dewatering was required to allow for the construction of student accommodation with a 2-level basement car park. Bulk excavation level approx. 5m BEGL with localised pits going further 1.5m deep to 6.5m BEGL. Installation of 240m perimeter dewatering system along with localised pit dewatering. Treatment to ANZEC 95% Freshwater guidelines. The Chemical Dosing System installation was recommended for efficient water clarification and pH correction. The system is designed to effectively remove silt, sand, and other solids from water at flow rates of up to 5L/s. This makes it an excellent choice for sites with limited space.

The system incorporates the addition of flocculants, coagulants, and pH adjustments throughout the treatment process. It also includes monitoring features such as pH, turbidity, and flow meter measurements. The final step of the treatment process at Richards Crookes involves the use of a metals removal module (MRM) for oxidation and filtration, specifically targeting elevated metal concentrations in the water. Richard Crookes site encounters the presence of heavy metals in its groundwater, including Aluminium, Arsenic, Zinc, Manganese, and Iron. These heavy metals pose a challenge for the project and NPE is committed to meeting the ANZECC & ARMCANZ (2000) freshwater quality guidelines.

NPE chooses the most suitable chemical compositions to treat the water and activates and cleans MRM media to ensure maximum media efficiency.

Dewatering – Student Accommodation Development, Sydney NSW

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