Boliver Digester Clean, SA

The digester’s emptying and cleaning process utilized specialized pumping equipment suspended from a 60-ton crane, ensuring efficient operation and flexibility; this was facilitated by NPE’s adaptation of a heavy-duty hydraulic unit.

The process of emptying and cleaning the digester involved using specialised pumping equipment provided by NPE. This was suspended from a 60-ton crane for efficient operation and flexibility of movement. The pump used for this task was a heavy-duty hydraulic unit specifically adapted by NPE to handle these projects.

To remove the contents of the digester, NPE had set up a discharge line connected to an existing pipeline leading to a storage lagoon. This setup allowed for a smooth and controlled transfer of materials. Throughout the emptying and confined space entry procedures, NPE consistently conducted gas level tests and monitoring to ensure safety.

This approach helped maintain a secure working environment and prevent potential risks.


Boliver Digester Clean, SA

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